Sito ufficiale dei Plenaristi


The River Nera by an Ilex Grove by Abraham Louis Ducros (Yverdon, Switzerland 1748 ¿ Lausanne 1810)

Immagine 1 di 80

Watercolour and bodycolour (partly varnished) on four joined sheets on paper, The River Nera by an Ilex Grove, by Abraham Louis Ducros (Yverdon, Switzerland 1748 ¿ Lausanne 1810). The scene was not identified by Colt Hoare, but like STO/P/319, 320 and 325, this must also be a view on the Nera, a river noted for the evergreen oaks on its banks. A town is visible in the background, but there is no particular identifiable feature. Inscribed (on reverse of canvas backing): La Foret de Papigno peint (?) ...Cav: Hoare. The subject is clarified by the recently revealed inscription. Papigno is a village situated on a rock above the Nera near Terni. Colt Hoare describes in his Recollections Abroad, II, p.252, how in October 1789 he set off from Terni and "leaving my horse at the desolated village of Papignia" he descended towards the river.

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23 Maggio 2024, 16:06